Intelligence Quotient [IQ]

22 Jan

Intelligence Quotient [IQ]

IQ tests can be directed and used for a number of reasons.

Why need or any reason to take an IQ test?

IQ tests can be directed and used for a number of reasons.

 “Professionals” most mutual reason for wanting an intelligence quotient test is for career guidance or to determine job suitability

“Parents” would be seeking to find out their child’s IQ, to diagnose child education performance.

“Recruiters” intelligence assessments have become a critical part of their recruitment process. Assessments, will give valuable information and insights, they help determine and identify the candidates that can show the skills to help harvest long term results

 Generally assessment measures five content areas: Fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory. A general composite score is also obtained as a measure of overall intelligence. The DAS is a test of cognitive ability that can be used with children aged 2 through 17 years.